Click to jump to the Qualifications or Contact Information section of this page.
Brevard and Brevard is consulting in several roles* with Saratoga Data Systems, a small company with two products focused on dealing with ever increasing data size. Bantam can reorganize GDSII Stream (chip layout) data producing dramatic file size reduction without compression or any change to the original design function. Originally conceived as a solution for transmitting these, still very large, files Flume is an application level pure software solution providing dramatically faster data transfer over long distance, high latency networks. Beyond design data, Flume has since proven to be generally useful in many other situations including very challenged networks in use by the military. A close personal friend and industry veteran Arny Goldfein helped found this company and invented the technology in Flume. After his untimely death in June of 2007 I decided to help the company continue his work.
Brevard and Brevard is also working with JABIS Security in Austin, Texas.
The first project done for JABIS was a Microcontroller Product Selector Guide created for NEC Electronics and updated after their merger into Renesas Electronics America. This is a browser based stand-alone selector that can run from a CD or other file system - without a web server. It is implemented with JQUERY, css, JavaScript, and Dynamic HTML (DHTML) and tested with IE 7, IE 8, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. A web server is not required but can be used if desired. All style elements were provided by the client's corporate css files - modified for use in a serverless environment.
The current focus is PDF based school site- and floor-plan information for emergency responders. We've now created several proposals for "information fusion" with additional integration including streamed security video and links to Google Earth, Twitter, and other external sources.
I rejoined Synopsys in Strategic Market Development (home of various Interoperability Programs) as an alliance manager, initially for Compute Platforms. I worked with internal groups and external partners to define and promote the specific computer platforms (hardware and operating systems) on which Synopsys EDA software is certified to run. Starting in April 2005, I took over the MAP-in program that provides Milkyway database access to other EDA companies. I also wrote over 11,000 lines of C++ providing an initial Milkyway to OpenAccess schematic and layout importer for the product announced September 22, 2008 as Galaxy Custom Designer.
After an intense month of pursuit (started by a head-hunter) and much soul searching, I accepted a position as an "Architect" at Cadence Design Systems in the IC Framework Technology group. Among other things, this is the home of the OpenAccess database. My first major project was a translator from Milkyway to OpenAccess - now in beta test. I last worked on performance and capacity analysis prior to the official release of OpenAccess 2.2.
This job entailed a relocation from Oregon to Silicon Valley. We bought a house in San Jose on January 16 and I started "camping" there on January 22. My CPA wife Stevalyn moved in June after completing her 2004 "Tax Season." And we sold our house in Oregon in July. All spring I got to live in the midst of various remodeling projects but we are finally settled in now.
Milkyway is the database at the heart of the best-in-class physical (layout) semiconductor design tools originally developed at Avant! Corporation.
Avant! originally hired me to work on the technical aspects of opening up access to Milkyway - partly as a response to a proposal made June 2001 for the new OpenAccess API standard -
Using my background in electronic design data representation and my knowledge of standards processes, I worked on Milkyway specifications, documentation, presentations, and minor modifications to the code base - all to allow wider use of this technology by both customers and other EDA vendors.
I started at Avant! on September 17, 2001, with two weeks of training on the Milkyway design database in Fremont, California. I then settled into the Avant! Beaverton, Oregon, office on October 1, 2001. We moved to the Synopsys Inc. office in Hillsboro, Oregon, on August 12, 2002.
On June 4, 2002, Synopsys (the number two EDA company in sales at that time), purchased Avant! Corporation (we were number four). I ended up as a "Staff Engineer" at Synopsys, making many trips to the Sunnyvale, headquarters for Milkyway R & D.
We opened up Milkyway to other companies with a new program called MAP-in on February 3, 2003. Now almost anyone can get a FREE license to the Milkyway Environment with translators (Verilog, VHDL, GDSII, LEF/DEF, etc.), a graphical viewing and editing environment, scripting and access to Milkyway data via Scheme and Tcl.
In 2003 the MAP-in program also released a C-API for use in stand-alone programs based on work that I did in 2002.
After leaving (see below) I attempted to re-enter the world of Electronic Design Automation in one of the worst slowdowns ever in the semiconductor industry.
For six months I collected unemployment (for the first time in my life) while pursuing interviews that did not lead to job offers. In spite of my extensive background, all openings were being restricted to people with recent experience that exactly matched the positions.
Past savings, my wife's income, and investments allowed us to financially survive this period.
In July two people at Avant! Corporation with whom I had worked at MCC and Motorola realized that a new activity (see above) was starting for which I had a perfect background., Inc (formerly Elecomm Corporation) specializes in interactive communications for healthcare. Working in this area since 1995 they are the developer and host for a physician reviewed woman's heath network and other vertical medical specialty web sites. Please visit to see their current range of activities.
Reporting to the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) I was responsible for hardware, software, and networking selection and application development - both personally and by hiring and managing employees and consultants. Also responsible with the CTO for technical elements of the business direction of the company.
Delayed growth in revenue required staff cutbacks in January 2001 including my position.
Technologies used included...
- Connectivity - Collocation (Broadwing), T1 office to Broadwing, Cable Modem and DSL to homes, NAT software (NAT32) and hardware (D-Link Di-701)
- Operating Systems - Windows NT 4.0, 2000 Workstation, 2000 Server, Red Hat Linux 6.2
- Services - IIS 4.0, IIS 5.0, SQL Server 7, Apache/1.3.14, Sendmail 8.9.3, 8.11.2, LISTPROC, HyperMail, WAIS, SFgate, iChat Rooms
- Languages - HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl, ASP, Cold Fusion 4.5.1, Visual Basic Scripting (programmed batch setup of web servers)
- Web Development - FrontPage 2000, Visual InterDev, Allaire Home Site, Symantec Visual Page, Adobe, Macromedia, GNU Emacs!
- Office applications - Office 2000 SR1a, Act! 4.0, MS Project 2000, Visio 2000
- Email and Communications - Eudora Pro 4.3 and 5.0.2, Van Dyke Secure CRT / sshd server, WS-FTP-Pro, CuteFTP, FTP Voyager, X-Win32
- Multi-media - Real Server, QuickTime Darwin server, Real Producer Pro, U-Lead Media Studio Pro, Sound Forge, Cleaner 5, Hitachi MPEG camera, JVC and Canon Mini-DV camcorders, video capture and fire-wire (IEEE 1394) interfaces, Shure automatic mixer.
- Hardware - Dell PowerEdge 2300 and 2400 dual-processor Pentium III servers with RAID5 running NT 4.0, 2000 Server, and Red Hat Linux 6.2, home-made servers and workstations with ATA66 disks, Pentium III processors, and ECC RAM on servers, Dell Inspiron 7000 and 5000 notebooks.
- Telephony - DASH Open Phone System (PC based PBX), AT&T Digital One-Rate
Provided telephone, email, and Intranet based support for the Unified Design System. Created CGI applications interfacing X.500 authentication, download, bug tracking, licensing, and Email systems. Created web sites based on NCSA server-side includes. Provided Windows NT access to Unix users via Tektronix WinDD. Helped in transition from Macintosh to NT 4.0 Workstation based desktop computing. Began to plan for transition to NT based EDA. Began development support for next generation design system as the Unified Design Systems lab transitioned in 1998 to the Advanced Software Technology Lab, System on a Chip Design Technology, Design Platform Group.
In December 1998 joined the Design Verification group within the Advanced Tools organization - an in-house EDA tools development group. Initially produced usage statistics in Perl while learning about Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and other elements of this group's software. Started project to evaluate alternatives for adding VHDL support to the DV tools (which primarily supported Verilog). Evaluated VAUL, SAVANT, and Duet Technologies options for a new VHDL front end. Duet Technologies acquisition by Motorola complicated this decision just as I left to join
*This corporation has also been used since 1983 for additional part-time consulting activities on nights and weekends. See additional information on this at the end of this section.
MCC was started in the early 1980s by a group of electronics and computer companies to respond to the threat of the Japanese 5th Generation Computer Project. It was the first pre-competitive research organization allowed in the United States - literally taking an "act of Congress" to exempt it from previous anti-trust laws.
Ultimately the Japanese threat turned out to be insignificant and the rise of personal computers and ubiquitous use of Unix obviated the most of the purpose of MCC. It effectively shut down after about 10 years of operation.
I started in the VLSI CAD Program which initially developed a new EDA system from scratch in Lisp, later moved the research to Unix and the X Window System, and finally concentrated on EDA standardization efforts, mostly via the CAD Framework Initiative (CFI). CFI still exists today, renamed to Si2 and hosting the OpenAccess design database standard and reference implementation.
Developed design
representation (DR) and simulation in Object Oriented Lisp systems.
Developed schematic capture systems on Lisp Machine and UNIX / X Window System.
Developed design representation standards with VHDL, EDIF, and CFI.
Developed DR standards prototypes and example applications.
Designed behavioral simulation
architecture and implemented core of interpreter.
Managed development of behavioral language, simulator, and debugger.
Developed Automated Test
System systems programs including logic simulator.
Consulted "in-house" with the Minicomputer Design group on simulation
and instruction set design and testing. Developed new approach to instruction
Researched instruction set, memory, and system architecture for 32 bit
Developed assembly language
and FORTRAN programs for Rice U. Space Science Dept.
Performed factory test and repair on digital and analog electronic plotters.
Tested and repaired high-end consumer electronics equipment.
Rice University, Houston, Texas
Wrote the initial version of the OpenAccess to Milkyway "Golden Gate" bridge software distributed by Si2 with the OpenAccess 2.2 reference implementation.
Wrote another Milkyway to OpenAccess translator (11K lines of C++ including initial translation of schematics in Milkyway) for a project at Synopsys. -- shared calendar (CLICK HERE for a 190KB PDF with some early screen shots) also used at (defunct - do not try to go to this site!) -- manufacturers database query system (Directory of Texas Manufacturers), not accessible to the general public
Campaign Mapping Project (originally called Keywords). Over 25,000 text files of political rhetoric are indexed using Index Server 1.1 on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation. This search application uses Perl to create an MS IDQ file (predecessor to ASP), which is then executed. Perl also used for administrative tools and to highlight hits when displaying articles.
Currently at running in a virtual machine that was created from the original Dell Optiplex system. Now hosted in a data center under VMware Server 1.0.10.
You can try this as user: keywords with password: pc1997 domain: <none>
This was inside of Motorola - not open to the public. The main site for the Unified Design System (UDS) Support group.
Developed using Server Side Includes, X.500 authentication, Perl CGI
Intranet Applications Development
WEBQDDTS a form based interface to an search index (created with SWISH) for all of our bug-tracking and support contact information stored in the Rational Pure DDTS system. Click here to see the original design documentation for WEBQDDTS.
CHECKADSDB an integrity checker for a relational database used to track download requests for UDS.ALPHA FORM a CGI driven form used to request access to a global EDA license server project during the alpha test phase. Collected information using an X.500 authenticated login, the corporate "whois" database, and then submitted the request to be logged into DDTS via Email. TrippHill Kennels, a first class kennel and breeding operation in Leander, Texas that raises world champion German Shepherd dogs. -- association dedicated to Safe Gun Range operations Knives of Alaska, a manufacturer in Denton, Texas that makes high quality hunting and fishing knives designed through experiences in their own outfitting company... The Alaska Expedition Company which organizes hunting and fishing expeditions and operates a camp outside of Cordova, Alaska. Jagger Scored / Stained Concrete creates beautiful floors on bare concrete by scoring and staining. Environmentally sound (thermally coupled to the earth) and increasingly popular. You have to see this to believe it. -- St. John the Forerunner Eastern Orthodox church in Austin -- THIS SITE!
and hosted on the same "multi-homed" Windows 2000 Server... -- Site dedicated to Stevalyn Henderson's CPA business (Stevalyn G. Henderson, P.C.) -- Site for Stevalyn's Yoga and Pilates teaching (Stevalyn G. Henderson, LLC)
hosted on Linux 2.2.5 (Mandrake 5.3)
The original
-- Apache 1.3 server
>> www service was turned off due to Code Red worm attacks
>> effectively a denial of service (DoS) attack
hosted on Linux 2.4.20 (Red Hat 7.1) -- Apache 1.3 server
At Motorola I evaluated then installed and configured the Tektronix WinDD version of the Citrix WinFrame multi-user NT system. Integrated with Unix file system via Samba (setup by Motorola Unix system administration), user authentication provided by optional NIS (yellow pages) integration.
This system used a dual processor HP Vectra XU Pentium Pro 200Mhz system to support 15 simultaneous users each with their own Windows NT 3.51 session.
In Austin, we had twelve systems on switched 10/100 network with a full time connection to the Internet via both Southwestern Bell ADSL (static IPs) and the Road Runner Cable Modem service (one dynamic IP with firewall / router). Mixture of Windows 2000, Windows 9x, Linux, and Solaris.
In Beaverton, Oregon, we had ten systems online with 100TX full duplex switched interconnect. Internet access was via DSL and cable modem: Verizon Business DSL provided 768K/128K ADSL with a block of 8 static IP addresses, 5 of which were usable. AT&T Broadband Internet provided cable modem service with a single IP shared via a Linksys BEFW11S4 NAT router, 802.11b access point.
In San Jose, California, there are approximately nineteen systems with GigE full duplex switched interconnect plus 802.11b/g/n wireless. There are 4 routers (one for each public IP address) and one additional wireless access point. Internet access is with Comcast Business Cable Modem service (12 Mbps / 2 Mbps) for both general Internet access and servers on 4 of 5 usable static IPs. The public servers are my mail, DNS, and web server, plus In 2011 we decommissioned DSL from SBC with as my ISP that was my original source of static IPs.
In March 2013 we added AT&T's U-verse to provide a secondary Internet connection (and to replace the no longer bundled Comcast residential cable TV service).
- Android - phones
Two original DROID phones from Verizon in March 2010 - no longer as phones
LG Spectrum 4G/LTE in February 2012
Samsung Galaxy Note II in December 2012
- iOS
iPod Touch 4th Generation with 64 GB - June 2010
iPad 2 with 64 GB and AT&T 3G - March 2011
iPad 2 with 64 GB Wi-Fi only - December 2011
iPad Mini with 64 GB and Verizon 4G/LTE - December 2012
- Network Cameras
- Windows 2000 Server -- P2V conversion done in 2010 - now running under VMware Server 1.0.10
was... Dell Dimension XPS Pro500n, Pentium Pro 200 upgraded to Celeron 500Mhz, 256M EDO ram, 40G ATA66 + two 8G disks
Prior to the switch to ADSL in 1999 this machine provided my Internet gateway via a full time 64K ISDN connection using NT 4.0 to provide routing for other systems on the LAN.
(click here for an out-of-date diagram of the ISDN gateway version of the LAN)
runs: and various other low-usage sites for friends.
- Windows XP Home -- converted to VM in 2011 - hardware is powered off
Toshiba Satellite notebook, Pentium 4 @ 2.5Ghz, 512M DDR ram, 60GB ATA100, 16" 1280x1024 LCD screen + 18" 1280x1024 external LCD
Stevalyn's main computer from December 2002 through December 2005.
- Windows 2000 Professional -- DIED IN 2010
was... Homebrew w/Asus BE6-II motherboard, Pentium III 550Mhz, 256M ECC PC-100 ram, 40G ATA66
Stevalyn's main computer until December 2002
- Windows XP Home -- HP Pavilion 7955 - still running after over 11 years! Purchased in October 11, 2001, at Best Buy in Oregaon, Pentium 4 1.5Ghz, 512M PC-133 SDram, 40G + 80G ATA100 disks, DVD, CD-RW, external 160GB drive on IEEE 1394
Backup system, office camera, scanner, and HP DeskJet 854c printer server - now in the "2nd Garage".
- Windows XP Professional -- Homebrew with Athlon 64 2800+, 400 GB PATA + 300 GB SATA hard drive, 2 GB PC3200 DDR RAM.
In Laurence's office and used via RDP as 2nd QuickBooks system.
- Windows XP Home -- converted to VM in 2011 - hardware is powered off
HP dv8013cl laptop with 17" wide-screen display, Turion 64 at 2 GHz, 1 GB DDR RAM, dual 80 GB hard drives, and DVD +/- R/RW dual-layer burner.
Stevalyn's main computer from December 2005 until October 2009.
- Windows XP Professional -- decommissioned in January 2013, hardware is powered off
Averatec (MSI 630) notebook with Turion 64 MT-40, 120 GB PATA hard drive, 2 GB PC3200 DDR RAM.
Laurence's laptop in 2007 from deceased friend. Was n-2 laptop
- Windows Server 2008 Enterprise -- Built by GenStor in San Jose. Intel Xeon 5420 quad-core @ 2.5 Ghz, 3 x 500 GB SATA hard drives + 1 x 1 TB SATA, USB 2.0 500 GB hard drive
First Windows 6.0 system, setup with Aero Glass interface,
Runs VMware Server 1.0.10 hosting:
* Vista Ultimate SP1 32-bit - used for debug and testing
* CentOS 4 32-bit - development at testing
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 9 32- and 64-bit versions
* BSD Unix with DummyNet
* Bugzilla
* Other CentOS variants
- Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit - Upgraded from Windows Vista Home 64-bit - HP TouchSmart 506 with 22" screen, 500 GB disk, and 4 GB RAM
Stevalyn's Personal Training Studio computer / TV / DVD player.
- Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit - HP Pavillion dv7, Core2-Duo, 2x500 GB disk, and 4 GB RAM
Stevalyn's main laptop.
- Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit - HP Pavillion dv7, Mobile Core-i7, 2x500 GB disk, and 6 GB RAM
Laurence's n-1 laptop - uses VMware Workstation 7.1 to host many development and test systems
- Mac OS X 10.8.4 - Mac Mini mid-2011 model, 2nd-gen Core-i5, 500 GB disk, and 16 GB RAM
Development and demonstration system for UT Keywords project
- Mac OS X 10.8.4 + Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit - MacBook Pro June 2012 model, Mobile Core-i7, 1 TB disk, and 16 GB RAM
Laurence's main laptop - bootcamp used to install Windows as alternate boot, also uses VMware Fusion to run the bootcamp Windows as a virtual machine - click here for my thoughts on adding Mac systems into the mix in 2012
- Red Hat Linux 7.1 (2.4.20 kernel) -- POWERED OFF - REPLACED by CentOS 5.3 64-bit VM
was Homebrew w/Transcend motherboard, Celeron 600Mhz, 256MB ECC PC-133 ram, 27G ATA66
DNS and mail.
- SuSE Linux 9.2 Pro (2.4.xx kernel) -- POWERED OFF - VM used instead
Homebrew, Celeron 1.4Ghz, 512MB SD-RAM ram, 80G ATA100
Porting and testing of SuSE platform open source releases.
- CentOS 3.9 (2.4 kernel) -POWERED OFF - VM used instead
was Homebrew w/Transcend motherboard, Celeron 900Mhz, 512M PC-133 ram, 2x300G ATA100
CentOS is a recompiled-from-source clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. See
Testing of RHEL v3 released open source. Likely to become new DNS and mail server.
- CentOS 5.2 x86_64 -- POWERED OFF (hardware unreliable) - Homebrew with Athlon 64 2800+, 300 GB PATA hard drive, 3 GB PC3200 DDR RAM.
My first 64-bit OS system. Runs VMware Server 2.0 with various guests including XP Pro and CentOS 4
- CentOS 3.8 -- (Arny-A) Homebrew with Athlon 900, 2 x 300 GB PATA hard drive, 256 MB RAM. - ftp site, license cutting, was Subversion repository - now backup.- CentOS 4.7 x86_64-- POWERED OFF - converted to VM running at Hurricane Electric
(Arny-B) Homebrew with Athlon 64 2800+, 300 GB PATA hard drive, 2 GB PC3200 DDR RAM.
Previous development system before moving to VMs on \\SI. Runs VMware Server 1.0.8 with various guests including CentOS 4 32-bit development system.- Windows 7 Ultimate -- (\\SI) Built by Genstor in San Jose
Xeon W3530 @ 2.8GHz (Core-i7 micro-architecture), 12 GB ECC RAM, 2 x 1TB + 1 x 2 TB internal disks. eSATA 2 TB external disk and USB 3.0 interface to 3 TB external disk.
Using VMware Player 4.0.1 to host CentOS4, Free BSD, SLES 10, Ubuntu, XP, Vista, etc....- Red Hat 9 -- POWERED OFF - no current need
(dbg-linux) Dell, 300 GB PATA hard drive, 512 MB RAM.
Development system for Linux 2.4 kernel.- Solaris 10 -- MOVED to Hurricane Electric collocation
(sun1) SunFire V150
Development system for Solaris 10 for Sparc.- 64-bit CentOS 5.3 -- MOVED to Hurricane Electric collocation
(pe1) Dell PowerEdge SC1425
2 x Xeon 3GHz CPU (Pentium 4 HyperThread core), 6GB ECC, 2 x 160GB sata, in noisy 1U
Using VMware Server to host 32-bit CentOS 4 and 32-bit CentOS 5- VMware ESXi 4.1 -- POWERED OFF after moved back from Hurricane
(pe3) Dell PowerEdge SC1425
1 x Xeon 3GHz CPU (Pentium 4 HyperThread core), 3 GB ECC, 1 x 160GB + 1 x 2 TB SATA,
Using VMware ESXi to host Windows 7 Pro web server
Systems that were in San Jose but decommissioned:- Solaris 2.5.1 -- Sun SPARCstation LX, 50Mhz TI Sparc, 96M RAM, 1G SCSI. I upgraded the RAM from 48M, added an external CD-ROM and internal floppy. Upgraded OS from Solaris 2.3. Slow!
Donated to Goodwill in December 2004.- Mandrake Red Hat Linux 5.3 (2.2.5 kernel) -- Homebrew w/ACER motherboard, Pentium 75Mhz, 32M ram, 800M + 1G disks. Used to be primary and mail server, was secondary DNS.
Donated to Goodwill in December 2004.- Windows 95a -- Homebrew w/Gigabyte motherboard, AMD K6 233Mhz, 64M ram, 1G + 4G Fast Wide SCSI disks
SCSI test system. Who cares anymore?
Donated to Goodwill in December 2005 after not being turned on in four years.- Windows 95a -- Ancient Dell Desktop system, AMD 5x133, 32M ram, 340M ide disk
Print server for HP LaserJet III and HP OfficeJet 610
Donated to Goodwill in December 2005.- Windows XP Professional -- Dell Inspiron 5000 notebook, Pentium III 600/500, 256M ram, 40G disk (Dell Inspiron 5000) 15" Active matrix LCD, DVD, Dock.
My personal notebook computer - previously ran Dell factory installed Windows 2000 on a 12G drive. Rebuilt with OEM XP Pro in 2002.
Laurence's personal laptop - DIED in December 2005 - RIP- Windows 95B -- Homebrew w/Asus BE6-II motherboard, Pentium III 600Mhz, 256M ECC PC-100 ram, 40G ATA66
Stevalyn's n-2 system was still used for the oldest tax programs but currently not booting.
Systems long gone from my network:
- Red Hat 6.2 Linux -- Homebrew, AMD 5x133, 64M ram, 2G + 1G SCSI disks
Experimental system for SENDMAIL 8.11.2 evaluation. Slow... evaluation. Also could boot into Windows 98 SE.
Given to Leander Computing, in Leander, Texas. Rebuilt?- Windows 95B -- Homebrew w/Soyo motherboard, Pentium MMX 200, 32M ram, 3G disks
Running on RedHat Linux 7.3 in Austin, Texas- Red hat Linux 7.3 (2.4.20 kernel) -- Dell Latitude XPiCD notebook, Pentium MMX 133, 80M ram, 3G disk, 802.11b wireless network connection
Given to Leander Computing, in Leander, Texas.
Rebuilt with Win98SE.- AND... in August 1995 - January 1997... SunOS 4.1.3 -- Sun SPARCstation 10, 64M RAM, 140M with 2G SCSI disk and external CD-ROM installed by me.
Click here for an out-of-date but detailed table of (some of) the above equipment!
- Switch / Hubs -- All switched Gigabit Ethernet as of 2010. D-Link 24 port 10/100/1000 switch in wiring closet, Netgear 16 port 10/100/1000 in main office, Trendnet 8 port 10/100/1000 in Stevalyn's office, two Netgear 5 port 10/100/1000 as needed.
- DSL via and SBC with eight static IPs. 1.5M - 3M bps (2.6Mbps typical) incoming and 256K - 512K bps (430K bps typical) outgoing.
Cable Modem from Comcast Business as of 2010. Routed static IPs with 5 usable. 12-24 Mbps incoming and 2-4 Mbps outgoing but have measured up to 30 Mbps incoming and over 10 Mbps outgoing.
Used in Oregon -- RCA cable modem (AT&T Broadband Internet after October 2001) - single IP shared by NAT router, Fujitsu Speedport ADSL modem/router (Verizon Business DSL since December 2001) - block of 8 IPs, 5 usable.
Used in Texas - Alcatel 1000 ADSL bridge (Southwestern Bell / service March 1999 through January 2002), ISDN terminal adapters - Motorola BitSurfr, Quick Access Remote used for ISDN in Austin 1994-1999.
- Router/Firewall -- San Jose - Cable Modem to Linksys WRT150n at 100FDX plus 4 x 100FDX. Also separate routers from other cable modem static IPs to Linksys WRT54G to web server and to Linksys WRT54G for DSL to Netgear WGT624 for mail and DNS server. Spare Netgear MR814v2 for web server and Belkin routers.
Oregon: Linksys BEFW11S4 Version 2, router, 4 port 10/100 switch, 802.11b access point providing network address translation (NAT), DHCP server to LAN, and port mapping for virtual servers, used to share the cable modem connection. Replaced: D-Link Di-701 "residential gateway".
- Structured wiring -- over 2000 feet of CAT-5 plus RG-6 coax from wiring closet to outlets throughout the building in Austin. Similar installation now in Oregon as of May 2003. Same in San Jose as of March 2004.
X Window System servers from StarNet (X Win32), XLink, and Netmanage - but VNC, usually from, is main mechanism now.
VMware Server 1.0.10 and 2.0.2 hosted on Windows Server 2008, Windows XP Pro SP3, Windows 7, and CentOS 4 and 5. Also use VMware Player 5 and VMware Workstation 8 and 9 and VMware Fusion 5VirtualBox from Sun/Oracle running on Windows 7, Windows 8, and CentOS 6
VNC - RealVNC Personal and Free Edition 5.0.4 Also used TridiaVnc at Synopsys and with RedHat 7.3 system at home. Virtual X desktops can be left running and connected to from anywhere as needed. I connected to my Synopsys Sun workstation via VNC: in the office, from home via VPN, from Sunnyvale and Mountain View, and from hotels and airports (via VPN) - very very useful.
NFS servers from Sun, Xlink, and Netmanage and as supplied with Linux
NFS clients from Sun, Xlink, and Netmanage and as supplied with Linux
(NFS exported file system on Red Hat Linux 6.2 mounted on Solaris 2.5.1 system.)
Samba (and CIFS) on Red Hat 7 and CentOS 3, 4, and 5, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and 10.Cygwin and Interix to provide POSIX environment for Windows.
WWW browsers: Google Chrome, from Netscape (2.02, 3.01, 4.77, 6.0.1, ... on Win32, SunOS, and Solaris), FireFox <n> on Windows and CentOS Linux, Microsoft (3.02, 4.0.1 SP1, 5.5 SP1, 6, 7 on Win95, WinNT, Win2K, WinXP, Windows Server, and Vista), Opera 5.02, Mosaic, and Lynx
WWW servers from Microsoft and Apache
Telnet and FTP from Microsoft, Sun, VanDyke, Symantec Delrina, Cute FTPSSH2 from SSH Communications Security compiled and installed on Linux and Solaris with SecureCRT 6.5 from VanDyke as client from Windows.
Email Clients from Netscape, Netmanage, Microsoft (Outlook 2010, Windows Messaging and Internet Mail, and Qualcomm Eudora Pro
Home / Office
13102 Fawn Valley Dr
Cedar Park, TX 78613
(408) 824-5321 - Office
(408) 627-1546 - Cell
Old Email Address - now decommissioned:
(all email addresses are graphics - non-clickable)
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